Integrating LVM with Hadoop
LVM(Logical Volume Manager) is a piece of software, which helps resizing,scraping and changing Logical partition in Linux.
We will use LVM to dynamically increase/decrease hadoop slave node partition so that we don’t need to stop nodes for unmounting and static partitioning, which will waste our time.
Step 1 :- Create a Hard disk and connect with RedHat OS.
/dev/sdb contains the 10GiB, we created for dynamically resizing of slave node.
Step 2 :- Format The Partition
Create A Physical Volume to access it inside RHEL OS.
Create a Volume Group to differentiate it from other partitions.
Step 3:- Create A Logical Partition
Use lvcreate — size 2G — name task task_dev to create a logical volume of name “task”.
Format the logical Partition
Finally, Make a folder /dr, and mount the logical partition on the folder.
Step 4:- Start the hadoop cluster
Connect the DataNode with the cluster
Step 5 :- Use LVM to Increase the size
Use command lvextend — size +4G /dev/task_dev/task to extend the partition by 4GB.
Step 6 :- Use LVM to reduce the partition
Use the command lvreduce -L 4G /dev/task_dev/task to reduce the Logical Volume Size by 4GB.
So, we can Dynamically Increase and Decrease the size by using LVM software and even edit static partitions.