Integrating LVM with Hadoop


LVM(Logical Volume Manager) is a piece of software, which helps resizing,scraping and changing Logical partition in Linux.

We will use LVM to dynamically increase/decrease hadoop slave node partition so that we don’t need to stop nodes for unmounting and static partitioning, which will waste our time.

Step 1 :- Create a Hard disk and connect with RedHat OS.

/dev/sdb contains the 10GiB, we created for dynamically resizing of slave node.

Step 2 :- Format The Partition

Create A Physical Volume to access it inside RHEL OS.

Create a Volume Group to differentiate it from other partitions.

Step 3:- Create A Logical Partition

Use lvcreate — size 2G — name task task_dev to create a logical volume of name “task”.

Format the logical Partition

Finally, Make a folder /dr, and mount the logical partition on the folder.

Step 4:- Start the hadoop cluster

Connect the DataNode with the cluster

Step 5 :- Use LVM to Increase the size

Use command lvextend — size +4G /dev/task_dev/task to extend the partition by 4GB.

Step 6 :- Use LVM to reduce the partition

Use the command lvreduce -L 4G /dev/task_dev/task to reduce the Logical Volume Size by 4GB.

So, we can Dynamically Increase and Decrease the size by using LVM software and even edit static partitions.



Arya Dhorajiya
Arya Dhorajiya

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